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Classic Toys with a Twist

As parents who grew up in the 1980s and 1990s, we often marvel at how much the toys for children have evolved over the years. Most of the toys that are available to our kids today are quite fancy and require batteries, whereas the toys that we played with when we were young were relatively simpler and can be used without having to be charged or plugged in to an electrical socket.


But if you look closely the next time you visit the toy store, you will see that there are also a lot of classic toys that are still being sold today, albeit with some twists to make them more interesting or perhaps more attuned to the tastes of the younger generation. Let’s take a look at some of these classic toys with a twist that would surely make great gifts for our kids.


Toys for Babies


We all had our shape sorters and stacking rings when we were babies, right? Well, these toys are definitely still among the top-selling baby toys today because no one can deny their immense educational value. Plus, these toys are also easy on the budget.


However, the shape sorters and stacking rings that we can buy today are fairly complex compared to the basic toys that major brands like Fisher Price had to offer back when we were little. The fundamental designs are still the same but there are added features.


The rings, for instance, are not just plain donuts anymore – some of them double as rattles and teethers, while others have varying textures, mirrors and crinkling sounds. Many of today’s shape-sorters, on the other hand, come with lights and sounds and are certainly flashier than the red and blue ones that we all had, which were of course, just as educational and entertaining.


Toys for Toddlers


You may remember the corn popper toy that toddler had while they were learning to walk. It has a low center of gravity that makes it very stable, and balls that bounced inside a transparent dome when you pushed the toy around. It’s still being sold today but there are also more modern varieties that now come in the shape of an airplane, and shoots out balls when you press a lever.


For most kids of our time, early childhood wouldn’t have been complete without some kind of toddler car that you either moved with the use of a pedal or even just your feet. Today, classic toddler cars are still available but there are also new battery-powered versions that you can drive by pressing a lever, pretty much like a real car. There are also twist cars and go-karts and all sorts of cars that come with flashing lights and interesting sounds.


These are just some of the classic toys with a twist that are available for young children. Click here to find a range of classic and modern rocking horse toys. If you make your way to the section for older kids, you will see a lot more modern toys that will definitely remind you of the beloved playthings that you had as a kid, although the ones that are available today are definitely a lot more advanced and usually come in sleeker and more complex designs.

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